A BIG thank you goes out to all of our families. The Move-A-Thon was a huge success.
only did we reach our goal of raising $1800 for the purchase of literacy resources that will accelerate our implementation
of recommendations made in the Ontario Right to Read inquiry report but we also had a fabulous time! This event was a great way to promote healthy/active living (related to our OPHEA Healthy Schools Certification goal).
Students enjoyed a variety of
movement options that ranged from moving in step with favourite tunes/videos, to a giant obstacle course and several
game stations. Glowing bracelets and popcorn added to the spectacle as lasting memories were made.
We also wanted to share some of the resources that were purchased with the money raised. Every grade from Kindergarten to Grade 3 are recieving UFLI complete kits. That means TWELVE classrooms and hundreds of students will benefit.
Take a look at the pictures attached to see some of the resources and items included in each of these 12 complete UFLI kits!
If you would like more informaton about UFLI (University of Florida LIteracy Institute) you can click on this link.