Kindergarden Family/Caregiver Reminders Regarding: Entry & Dismissal
Posted on 04/25/2023

Hello Kindergarden Families,


With the arrival of warm weather we are sure see an increase in the number of classes outside during the school day—in light of that we felt this would be a good time to share some important reminders about the routines we have in place to ensure our school can continue to run safely and efficiently.



-kindergarden students may be met/picked up at their classroom door after 3:20 p.m.

-if you need to pick up prior to this time you will need to go to report to the office—best practice is of course to communicate directly with the classroom educators directly when early pick-ups are unavoidable

-we do not recommend unplanned office sign-outs after 3 p.m. as they are disruptive to the entire class and interfere with the regular dismissal routine/tasks taking place in the school (they will not be a staff priority)

-please do not pass through the gates and onto the schoolyard prior to 3:20 (visitors are not permitted onto the yard during the school day)

-please exit the school yard once you have your JK/SK student (in addition to the commotion of regular dismissal the SEEDS daycare staff are working hard to gather and track all of their students—additional children and family in the vicinity adds to the congestion)

-remember that while you or your childcare provider may be a familiar face to your child’s teacher you/they will be a stranger to most of our students and staff who may be with their class outside prior to the regular bell at 3:30

-quick check-ins with the classroom staff are appropriate but longer detailed conversations can be distracting and should conducted in another time/place



-we continue to appreciate the large number of families who make walking or wheeling to school a priority and we regularly encourage the families of our older students to consider your needs before filling our parking spaces

-please recognize that morning attendance happens immediately after the 9:10 bell and requires the classroom educators to access technology—if you arrive late, even though you may see JK/SK students engaged in an outdoor activity, you will need to get them ‘sign-ed in’ at the office

-educators are not able to leave their groups to retrieve their technology from inside the school to record the late arrival, or interrupt their instruction with the students who arrived on time