June is also very important as it is Pride & Indigenous History Month. Many of our students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members identify as
members of the Indigenous and 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Flying the Pride and Every Child Matters (will be flown later in the month) flag not only signals that our schools are safe spaces for everyone, it also
aligns with our commitment to equity and providing a learning environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination. Algonquin
Ridge strives to be respectful, inclusive, equitable, accessible, and free from discrimination—we welcome, respect, include and value
all students, parents/caregivers and family structures, employees, and community members, and we respect, affirm, and support
the expression of diverse identities. Displaying the flag signals our commitment to preventing and addressing discrimination in our
school and workplace.
We also have great resources that teachers will be using all month long to enhance student learning. Here is the display case, in the front of the school, with many of the resources that are available.